Excerpt from the essay on Canada, Caleidoscopio Surrealista (2nd edition):

"In 2014, the Liaison Surréaliste a Montréal organized the international surrealist exhibition "La Chasse A L'Objet Du Désir", an independent project, without the minimum support of the institutions, with many presences of current surrealism and a valuable catalog, central publication of the most recent period of surrealism, in which, to the texts and images, are added tracts by groups from the United States and Inner Island and an album with themes by Six Heads, Johannes Bergmark, Sonarchy, Songs of the New Erotics, Hal Rammel, Mal Occhio, Iñaki Muñoz and Thomas Burns."

"Surreal Estate, an anthology of thirteen English-language poets, was published in Toronto in 2004, "influenced" to a very uneven degree by surrealism (Gil Adamson, Tara Azzopardi, Gary Barwin, Daniel F. Bradley, Alice Burdick, Kevin Connolly, William A. Davison, Beatriz Hausner, Mark Laba, Lance La Rocque, Lillian Necakov, Stuart Ross, and Steve Venright). The most outstanding, from a surrealist point of view, are undoubtedly Beatriz Hausner*, William A. Davison* and Steve Venright. The second, with the interesting music and collagist Sherri Lyn Higgins and Kerry Wright Zentner started the North Mutator collective drawing project in 2003. In 1970 they had settled in Toronto, carrying out a great editorial work, yes, one hundred percent surrealist, Ludwig Zeller and Susana Wald."

Excerpt from the essay on USA:

"In that same year, the first number of The Annual sees the light in New York, which, edited by Allan Graubard and Paul Mcrandle, brings together numerous names from surrealism: Will Alexander, Byron Baker, Thom Burns, Miguel de Carvalho, David Coulter, William A. Davison, Sherri Higgins, Peter Dubé, John Digby, Kathleen Fox, Rick Lina, Beatriz Hausner, Gregg Simpson, Jon Graham, David Nadeau, Valery Oisteanu, Jean-Pierre Paraggio, Raman Rao, Richard Waara, Bill Wolak, Jordan Zinovich, Peter Lamborn Wilson, Rainer Hanshe, and Genese Grille. The Annual takes the form of a book-object, collecting it in a folder closed with thread red crowd of sheets, envelopes and notebooks."

Davison bio:

"Musician, inventor of instruments, painter and poet, in 1984 he created the exploration project automatic Recordism, in 1991 Songs of the New Erotics and in 2000 Six Heads. In 2005 he published the poems of A Seance In A Bathtub. He collaborates with various musical associations, and takes part in "La chasse a l' objet du désir." His short film "Origami Meat Play", originally in the Songs of the New Erotics video "Broadcasts and Solar Interruptions" (1994), can also seen on Patricide's 7th album."

Apologies for the terrible translations from Spanish by Google Translate.


Caleidoscopio Surrealista (2nd edition) by Miguel Pérez Corrales, La Página Ediciones, 2015. Available in PDF form here