Update, Nov. 29, 2007 - North Mutator!
Very pleased to say that there is now a website and Myspace page for the North Mutator drawing collective!! North Mutator consists of myself, Sherri Lyn Higgins, and Kerry Wright Zentner (and other occassional collaborators) and the three of us have been making collective drawings together for over four years now so this has been a long time coming! The launch of the website and Myspace page is our first major step towards "going public" with this project and we couldn't be happier about it! Please have a look and let us know what you think.
- William A. Davison
Update, Nov. 4, 2007 - Th W rbl r live
I'll be doing a solo set with my newish project Th W rbl r at Not My Dog this Tue. Here's the write up for the show courtesy of Noise Tuesday's host Kevin Crump:
Live!!! Tuesday November 6th @ Not My Dog 1012 Queen
St w, Toronto
In association with Wintage Records & Tapes
Gravitons - It takes more than one go at cutting
up a chicken to become an expert. However, once you've got the hang of it, you
can cut up a chicken in very little time and with hardly any effort at all!
Perhaps the most important reason to learn how to cut up a whole chicken is
that it will save you money. Buying a whole chicken is cheaper than buying pieces,
and the leftover parts are ideal for forming the backbone of soup stocks. The
same method can be used for cutting up other fowl like duck or squab.With a
serving of Mani & Jill on the side, expect a full-on flavour explosion.
Th W rbl r - Make your first plunge a gentle one. Initially
the bell is full of air. A hard thrust will force the air back around the seal
and blow water all over the bathroom and you!Once you force out the air, plunge
vigorously in and out, maintaining the seal. Youll be forcing water both
directions in the drain, which will effectively loosen most clogs. Stick with
it, plunging 15 to 20 times if necessary.
Be patient. Try alternating between steady strokes and occasional monster heaves.If
the Problem still persists check with William A. Davison.
This is a P.W.Y.C. event, show starts @ 10pm
- William A. Davison
Update, Oct. 23, 2007 - Eddie Prevost
UK drummer and founding member of AMM Eddie Prevost is in Toronto this week and doing a few shows around town and I happen to be in one of them. Here are the details (courtesy of AIMT):
AIMToronto Interface with Eddie Prévost, percussion
Eddie Prévost is a founding (and the only constant) member of AMM, the
radical, pioneering British improvisation group at work since 1965. He is a
brilliant percussionist, an articulate commentator on experimental music, a
vital author and theorist, the curator of Matchless Records, and an important
figure in creative improvised music pedagogy. We are fortunate to be hosting
Wednesday, October 24, 8pm, $15/$10
Somewhere There, 340 Dufferin Street (enter from Melbourne Ave)
www.somewherethere. org
1) Michael Keith (guitar), John Oswald (alto saxophone) & Eddie Prévost
2) Geordie Haley's Everytime Band
3) Kyle Brenders (saxophones) , Eddie Prévost (percussion) & Scott
Thomson (trombone)
Thursday, October 25, 8pm, $15/$10
Somewhere There, 340 Dufferin Street (enter from Melbourne Ave)
www.somewherethere. org
1) Andrew Downing (cello), Scott Peterson (bass), Eddie Prévost (percussion)
& Ellen Waterman (flutes)
2) The Reveries
3) Paul Dutton (oralizations) , Nilan Perera (guitar, electronics), Eddie Prévost
(percussion) & Nick Storring (cello)
Friday, October 26, 9pm, $15/$10
Arraymusic Studio, 60 Atlantic Ave, Suite 218
www.arraymusic. com
1) Rob Clutton (bass), Ajay Heble (piano) & Eddie Prévost (percussion)
2) Pete Johnston's See Through Trio
3) Ken Aldcroft (guitar), Rod Campbell (trumpet), William Davison (electronics)
& Eddie Prévost (percussion)
Three-night passes are available for $30.
AIMToronto acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council for this event.
The Association of Improvising Musicians Toronto is a not-for-profit musicians'
collective whose members are dedicated to supporting and promoting creative
improvised music in the Toronto area. Learn more at www.aimtoronto.org.
- William A. Davison
Update, Oct. 15, 2007 - COFO at Inyrdisc label showcase
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects will be performing this Wed. night as part of the Inyrdisc label showcase. Here are the details:
inyrdisk cd-r label reduxxe presenteth a celebration of toronto exp/und hijinx serioso in knew releases and fucking around::
(the newmarket rocket explodes from drone layerz into beat rhythms and hardcore
essences... vinyl soon on usa's music fellowship label, big feature on foxy
digitalis toronto headz should read for info, myspace.com/womenintragedywomenintragedy)
(sooper groop alert! zukerman of gastric female reflex, shapiro of disguises,
davison of nurse with wound, all of many other projects, colliding full force
into psych scrape scum cosmos til you tension seizure, baby)
(session man! solo stringed 'strument artist! mv/ee collaborator! one of the
busiest men in music, both locally, and abroad with mv/ee, sunburned hand, etc.,
is commemorating the inyrdisk release of his solo full-length debut with a rare,
intimate solo blast of unbridled music worship. holy fucking shit!)
(disembodying waves of ambient noise reigning down in sheets from alan bloor's
steel on steel amplification sessions. you know, the alan bloor that is KNURL?
Toronto's noise superhero? well, he's here, in the flesh, guys)
(the dark yin side of wolfgang nessel's many-sided dye. he of heavy water, blood
honey, ropes of maui, ex-ninja high school, bummer in the summer co-founder
with doc dunn, international man of mystery. not to be missed, true rivers of
drone running through forests at night.)
(you may know him from such popular cash grabs as gastric female reflex, beniffer
editions, queen video, and backyard wrestling tournaments. a true team player
and lover of the game spinning the shittiest caroliner, beast people, lance
gargoyle, and even r & g --- truly only the finest in modern hit makers.
wear a bow-tie, but don't dodge the blood)
SNEAKY DEE's (College and Bathurst, Toronto)/ 9:30pm
See you there!
- William A. Davison
Update, Oct. 7, 2007 - COFO at Tranzac
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects
New Ryan Driver Jazz Unitet
Tranzac (292 Brunswick, Toronto)
Oct. 9, 10pm
- William A. Davison
Update, Sept. 27, 2007 - Nuit Blanche
I will be performing in this year's Nuit Blanche festivities along with Kevin Crump, Michelangelo Iaffaldano, Michael Keith, and Iner Souster at the corner of Queen St. W. and Elm Grove (Parkdale, Toronto) from 8pm to 11pm, Sat., Sept. 29th. Yes, three straight hours of hand-built instruments, amplified objects, fried electronics and Dog knows what else! Should be awesome...unless it rains, in which case it may still be awesome but we won't be there. Hope to see you Saturday!
- William A. Davison
Update, Sept. 12, 2007 - new S.O.T.N.E. performance!
I will be premiering a new Songs of the New Erotics performance/composition entitled "Dots" this weekend as part of the Queen West Art Crawl festival. The piece takes place in Trinity Bellwoods Park in downtown Toronto on Sat. Sept 15, 3 - 6pm and again on Sun. Sept. 16, 3 - 6pm. "Dots" is a durational and site-specific performance, developed especially for this event, which employs analog audio tape, various props, chance elements and the geography and natural/constructed features of Trinity Bellwoods Park to determine various aspects of a large-scale audio composition performed and created in real time.
Details on this and other Queen West Art Crawl events can be found at http://www.torontoartscape.on.ca/qwac/ (I'm in the "Art That Binds" event curated by Shannon Cochrane).
Info on Songs of the New Erotics here.
- William A. Davison
Update, Sept. 7, 2007 - Full Metal Racket
I'll be performing as part of Full Metal Racket, an all-metal improvising collective, tomorrow afternoon. When I say "all-metal" I'm not referring to the style of music (no, we won't be doing covers of Slayer!), I'm referring to the instrumentation which is all hand-built devices or found objects constructed entirely of metal. The group was put together by Six Heads' very own James Bailey (also of Odradek and Noino). Here are the concert details:
CONTACT contemporary music
in association with Yonge-Dundas Square
Performances by:
John Farah, Robs Collision, Bitchin, Day Off, Njo Kong Kie, Tim
Francom, Full Metal Racket, Tidal Pool, Gastric Female Reflex, CONTACT,
Kanaka and New Adventures in Sound Art
Saturday, September 8 - 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Yonge Dundas Square (corner of Yonge St. and Dundas St., Toronto)
Information: www.contactcontemporarymusic.ca /
info(at)contactcontemporarymusic.ca / 416-902-7010
Sorry, I don't know what the order of acts will be but I do know that Full Metal Racket is up first at 2pm sharp! So don't dawdle getting down there! Looks like some fine acts in this thing, including my former bandmates Gastric Female Reflex, so it should be a good event. Hope to see you there!
hmmm...come to think of it, maybe we should do some Slayer covers. That would be awesome!
- William A. Davison
Update, Aug. 28, 2007 - Six Heads Noise Picnic!
A couple of years ago, Six Heads got together on Wards Island and had a little picnic. At said picnic, the group also did some improvising/recording using only acoustic or battery-operated devices. Much fun and hilarity ensued! Well, two years later we're doing it again only this time we're inviting some friends along!
featuring (in alphamaghetical order, not necessarily order of appearance):
performing on a variety of acoustic and/or battery-operated
bring your own and join in!
bring food, etc. to share
bring flashlights
bring PWYC admission
bring fun!
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2007, 7PM - 11:45PM (performances
start no later than 8PM)
Expect shortish sets, impromptu happenings, some time for open jamming-type stuff, and general tomfoolery. Ferry schedule and info is here.
See the other poster here.
Note: there is no "rain date". Consistent and/or heavy rain means no fun and no show. Ongoing discussion, including last-minute cancellation if need be, will take place here on Stillepost.
- William A. Davison
Update, Aug. 6, 2007 - Dead Machines
C.O.F.O. are on the bill for the upcoming appearance of Dead Machines in Toronto. Here's what Andrew Z has to say about it:
Wednesday August 8th/ 9pm
@ Rancho Relaxo, 300 College St. (@Spadina), Toronto
$6 (i think?!)
DEAD MACHINES - is John "Wolf Eyes" Olson and Tovah "Wooden Wand and the Vanishing Voice" Olson. They're the husband and wife team and throbbing Michigan Member mardi gras making your cavernous skull their torture chamber/bone grinder/tar pit/gulf of agony. aaron dilloway likes this band. aaron dilloway thinks this band is KILLER!
CONSPIRACY OF FAMILIAR OBJECTS - is members of disguises, gfreflex and six heads in daytona pre-teen wet dream, replete with tape glonk gone wild: seminal summer
ANAMORPHIC HEAT - is Michaelangelo "Odradek" Iaffaldano and Kevin "I'm with Sex Machine" Crump, recently featured as this month's bad-boy in Broken Penis. Come early to see Michaelangelo's homemade instruments and Kevin's tape echo undress you with their eyes.
FLYNNS - toronto's answer to the burning question: is there psych after children? the answer, after being reduced to infantilism during their last set at smiling buddha is a resounding yes!
- William A. Davison
Update, Aug. 5, 2007 - Square Foot
S.Higgins and myself are both in the massive group art show "Square Foot" organized by AWOL Gallery here in Toronto. It's huge! Over 500 artists!
It's being held at 100A Ossington Ave. (2nd floor), Toronto and runs from Aug. 10 - Sept. 2, 2007. Opening reception is Friday, Aug. 10, 7pm.
![]() |
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- William A. Davison
Update, July 29, 2007 - Th W rbl r!
"Then I Saw Your Smile" is the debut CD from my latest solo noise project Th W rbl r, released on Kevin Hainey's Inyrdisk label. A thirty-minute "cauchemar" of twisted, hellish cassette mangling courtesy of The Warbler (a modified General Electric mono cassette player) and its operator (a more or less unmodified W.A.Davison). Features guest appearances by Klaus Nomi, Marillion, Charlie Brown, Pinocchio, and, of course, David Lynch (Lynch/Badalamenti/Cruise) via various found cassettes (all thoroughly warblerized!). It's dense, intense, and immense!
Email inyrdisk(at)yahoo(dot)com for ordering info.
- William A. Davison
Update, July 22, 2007 - COFO at Tranzac
The objects are conspiring again!
Wednesday July 25th/ 10pm
@ the Tranzac front room (292 Brunswick, Toronto)
Pon de Replay - tape loop capers realized in 1000x real-life. montreal tried tested and true. member of gold sword and brian seeger.
Slim Twig - rockabilly incarnation of james chance only a lot less lame. pompadour encyclopaedia abound. member of tropics.
Conspiracy of Familiar Objects - sounds from inside the kidney of an incontinent armed-robber looking to knock over a life-sized replica of xerxes as an ice-cream cone. members of gastric female reflex, disguises and six heads.
- William A. Davison
Update, July 19, 2007 - The Return Of Quincunx!
After 5 years in the cryo-tanks, the awesome improvisin' behemoth known as Quincunx returns for an original line-up reunion concert! Head for the hills! (and by "hills" I mean Arraymusic Studio)
Leftover Daylight Series
in association with Arraymusic and AIMT
Friday, July 20, 2007
9:00 mazinani/ valdivia/ vorvis
[mani mazinani, brandon valdivia, jack vorvis (drums)]
10:00 quincunx
[robin buckley (percussion) william davison (amplified objects) paul
dutton (voice) tomasz krakowiak (percussion) eugene martynec (laptops)]
11:00 attariwala/ good/ mindon
[parmela attariwala (violin) scott good (trombone) dewi mindon (trumpet)]
60 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 218, Toronto
- William A. Davison
Update, July 18, 2007 - Steve Venright AOTW
And who's Artist Of The Week at Mondo Magazine this time? Yet another Recordist friend and collaborator, the incomparable, inimitable, indispensable, inexplicable, inflatable, and thoroughly inedible Steve Venright, that's who!
Go to this page to read the enlightening and entertaining interview with Mr. Venright AND, while you're there, I suggest you also read K.Zentner's lurid and intoxicating account of the Scream Literary Festival (where you may even find reference to a certain W.A.D.!).
- William A. Davison
Update, July 13, 2007 - The Walrus + Smart Cucumber
I keep forgetting to mention this but I have two spot illustrations in the July/Aug issue of The Walrus. Thought you might like to know. They're from a series of calcollages I've been working on (which I'm thinking may come out in book form at some point...more on that when and if it happens).
In a totally unrelated note, I just came across this great website called Smart Cucumber. Some fantastic work there, well worth a visit!
- William A. Davison
Update, July 8, 2007 - Green-Faced Spirit
Ms. Higgins (Six Heads) and I (Six Heads, Songs of the New Erotics, etc.) will be premiering our psych-folk/psych-noise/psych-??? project Green-Faced Spirit at The Art Bar this coming Tuesday. Here are the details:
Bitchin Improvised Music Series
Tuesday, July 10th
ArtBar, Gladstone Hotel (Gladstone and Queen), Toronto
8:30 pm
Eugene Martynec- laptop
Geordie Haley- guitar
Rod Campbell- electronics, vocals
Dino Carambelas- percussion
9:30 pm
Paul Dutton- soundsinger
Mike Hansen- turntablist
10:30 pm
Green-Faced Spirit
Sherri Higgins - acoustic things and electric things
William Davison - electric things and acoustic things
Hope to see you there!
- William A. Davison
Update, July 6, 2007 - Kalyniuk interview
Our good friend and occasional collaborator Peter Kalyniuk is this week's featured artist at Mondo Magazine. Check it out here!
- William A. Davison
Update, July 5, 2007 - me poet
Huh, whadayaknow, I'm a featured poet in one of the Scream In High Park related events happening in Toronto this week. The event is called "Poets In Their Natural Habitat: A Field Trip" and is hosted by Steve Venright and Nadia Halim. It takes place at various locations in Toronto's Annex area, Saturday, July 7th. Here's the description from the Scream website:
Poets in Their Natural Habitat: A Field Trip
Saturday JULY 7th, 12 Noon
Begins at Coach House Press 401A Huron St
Free, Donations Welcome
Join seasoned poetologists Nadia Halim and Steve Venright on a field trip through Toronto's Annex ecosystem as they observe the distinctive vocalizations, social behaviour, foraging habits, and mating rituals of various species of poet. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars, cameras, and other recording devices. Many Scream events feature well-known poets in captivity. This event offers you the rare opportunity to observe wild poets in their natural habitats!
Should be fun. For info on other Scream events and the Scream In High Park itself visit http://www.thescream.ca
- William A. Davison
Update, June 30, 2007 - COFO at Smiling Buddha
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects (Shapiro, Zukerman, Davison) will be appearing at Smiling Buddha Bar, 961 College St., Toronto, Mon., July 2. I'm sure there's something else going on there that night too - some other bands playing or something - but, unfortunately, I have no idea what that might be. Nor do I know the start time, the cover price, or any of those other useful bits of information. One thing I do know, however, is that we will be joined in this performance by Ayal Senior (Hershel Savage & The American Flag, and John Fahey collaborator) so this promises to be an extra special C.O.F.O. performance! Don't miss it! (if you can figure out when it starts, how much it costs, etc....)
- William A. Davison
Update, June 19, 2007 - AOTW!
The Recordists are Artists Of The Week!
- William A. Davison
Update, June 8, 2007 - two shows
Kevin Crump (Disguises, Anamorphic Heat, etc.) and myself (Six Heads, Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects, etc.) will be appearing at The Boat this Sunday under our alter egos Mabus and Stactor.
Cousins Of Reggae
Mabus and M.Stactor
Under Heaven
Sunday June 10 @ The Boat, 158 Augusta, Toronto
doors 9:30 pm, $6
Awesome line-up, do not miss this!
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects are also playing on Tue., June 12 at Mitzi's Sister. Don't know the details for this though. Will post again when I know more.
- William A. Davison
Update, June 6, 2007 - KWZ interview
Recordist collaborator K.W.Zentner is "artist of the week" at Mondo Magazine. His interview will only be online a few more days so check it out soon!
- William A. Davison
Update, May 28, 2007 - noise guitar clips
Just posted these clips to Youtube from my most recent noise guitar set at 61 Major St. Thought some of you folks might be interested. What does this have to do with Recordism? WE LIKE NOISE! (I think it's a DADA thing. Yes? No? Maybe? I dunno...).
- William A. Davison
Update, May 13, 2007 - 61 Major again
William Davison - solo acoustic guitar
Eric Cheneaux - guitar and some singin' probably
Mon., May 14
performances start at 7:30pm
61 Major St. (front yard), Toronto
PWYC (I'm guessing)
- William A. Davison
Update, May 10, 2007 - 2 new releases!
Very pleased to announce the release of:
Songs of the New Erotics "Acrid Maltreats" free web download from Radical Matters, Italy. This is one of Radical Matters' "sound source" releases which means it's a collection of audio clips, released under a creative commons license, for use as sampling or looping material. It's also a "cut-up" composition if you listen to the tracks straight through AND...if you're burning the album to CD you can rearrange the order of the tracks and make your own version. The creative possibilities are endless! ;-)
I've made an info page for this release here on the S.O.T.N.E. website and you can download the album, artwork, etc. from www.radicalmatters.com ("web editions" section).
Also just out is the new Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects album "No Greek" on the Toronto label Inyrdisk. Nine tracks, 31 minutes of Davison (Six Heads, etc.), Shapiro (Disguises, etc.), and Zukerman (Gastric Female Reflex, etc.) and you know what that means...NNNNNOOOOIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, dude.
Unfortunately, I have no fucking idea how anybody not likely to bump into Kevin Hainey on the street and buy a disk from him personally is supposed to get a copy of this. I can see no website, myspace, or any way at all to contact Inyrdisk. Hmmm...well you can always send me an email (davison at recordism dot com). I have a few copies I'm willing to sell or trade and I can also get in touch with Hainey pretty easily. I'll also see if there's some contact info for Inyrdisk that I've somehow missed. It's a good album, you all should have a copy + the rest of the Inyrdisk catalog is great too!
- William A. Davison
Update, May 8, 2007 - confirmation
OK, it has been confirmed. I will be appearing at Bummer Nights tomorrow in collaboration with Odradek (Iaffaldano, Yue, Bailey). Here's the full lineup:
Welcome to Miami Beach
May 9th:
Gastric Female Reflex
All Under Heaven vs. Muskox
Jon Shapiro's 'Driller Killer'
Odradek + William Davison
and DJ The Sheeet
TrANZaC Main Hall (292 Brunswick Ave., Toronto)
$5, 7:30 doors.
- William A. Davison
Update, May 7, 2007 - gig?
Michelangelo Iaffaldano asked me to join him in performance at the Tranzac Club, Wed. night, as part of the "Bummer Nights" series of events but, in looking at the publicity for the event, I don't see us listed. What is up with that? Uhh...
Okay, so I might be performing at the Tranzac this Wed. evening with Michelangelo Iaffaldano...or not. Here's the info, sans Iaffaldano/Davison:
Welcome to Miami Beach
May 9th:
Gastric Female Reflex
All Under Heaven vs. Muskox
Jon Shapiro's 'Driller Killer'
and DJ The Sheeet
TrANZaC Main Hall (292 Brunswick Ave., Toronto)
$5, 7:30 doors.
- William A. Davison
Update, May 1, 2007 - 61 Major
I'm doing a solo set at 61 Major St. this Thursday. It will be the usual thing, which means I have no idea what it will be...
thursday may 3rd, 7pm
@ 61 major street (garden and living room)
William Davison
Catherine Crockett
Matt Dunn and Jonathan Adjemian's as of yet unnamed project
David Sait
- William A. Davison
Update, April 12, 2007 - KV RIP
Kurt Vonnegut R.I.P.
- William A. Davison
Update, April 6, 2007 - Ether review
Another positive review for Six Heads "Ether" cassette. Go to http://machetemob.blogspot.com/2007/03/six-heads.html
- William A. Davison
Update, April 4, 2007 - Robber Bridegroom
The "Plagiarism Potlatch to Celebrate Lautréamont's Birthday", published today on http://robberbridegroom.blogspot.com/, collects the work of a number of international artists and writers. Among these are several Recordists! An excerpt from my cut-up novel in progress Dark Sun is included as well as a number of panels from some recent détourned comics by myself, S.Higgins, K.Zentner, and S.Venright. Also included is an experimental play plagiarizing Shakespeare by James Bailey (Six Heads), a collage by sometime Recordist collaborator Enrique Lechuga, and works by other friends in the Surrealist network. A really interesting collection of texts and images, all based on the reworking of various found materials. Well worth a visit!
I've also made a number of site updates. The above-mentioned détourned comics are here on the Recordists site, an advertisement featuring Songs of the New Erotics (published several years ago but I just found out about it!) is here, and I've added some recent activities to my online CV.
- William A. Davison
Update, Mar. 29, 2007 - Two Things
Thing One - I'm playing at the NOW Lounge again this Sunday with my pal Arnd Jurgensen. Here are the details:
The NOW Series
presented by AIMToronto and the NOW Lounge
Sunday April 1, 2007
2pm- Cobra workshop
(contact joe sorbra jo_sorbara(at)yahoo(dot)com for more info)
w/william davison, arnd jurgensen: guitars
5pm-Lumley / Dunn
w/aaron lumley: bass, matt dunn, pedal steel, guitar and banjo
6pm- BC3000 + Sonic500
w/julia hambleton, marcus quin, david french: bass clarinets, andrew wedman:
synth and effects
The NOW Lounge
189 Church St.
Toronto, ON
Concert: 4pm-7pm
info: http://www.bumpywilson.com/nowseries.htm
Thing Two - Surrealist London Action Group has proposed the following:
Le plagiat est necessaire. Le progres l'implique.
Plagiarism is necessary. Progress implies it.
-- Lautreamont
You are invited to join us in the celebration of Lautreamont's
birthday by committing an act of plagiarism. The act of plagiarism may take
any form you wish -- found text and/ or found image and/
or collage and/or detournement and/or forgery and/or any other variation, experiment
or adventure in plagiarism that you can invent.
SLAG will be collating responses to this game for publication on Lautreamont's birthday itself. If you would like your own responses to be included, please send them to us at la_belle_tenebreuse(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk to arrive no later than 12 midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on Tuesday 3rd April. All responses received by that time will be collated and published on 4th April as a collective salute to our most delirious forebear.
Regards to you all from SLAG -- the Surrealist London
Action Group
The Recordists will be contributing to this in one form or another over the next few days. If you are in Toronto and would like to join us in some collective-plagiarist-game-type-stuff please get in touch with us at info(at)recordism(dot)com and we'll work out a convenient time and place.
- William A. Davison
Update, Mar. 24, 2007 - improv gig
I'm doing a set at The NOW Lounge tomorrow. Details follow:
The NOW Series
presented by AIMToronto and the NOW Lounge
Sunday March 25, 2007
2pm- Workshop- "Search & Reflect"- selected
exercises-participatory (contact Ken Aldcroft kenaldcroft@yahoo.ca for more
4pm-7pm- Company Event featuring Montreal bassist Pierre-Yves Martel and Toronto
improvisers Ken Aldcroft, John Wilson, Brandon Valdivia, Nick Buligan, Scott
Thomson, Christine Duncan and William Davison.
The NOW Lounge
189 Church St.
Toronto, ON
Concert: 4pm-7pm
info: http://www.bumpywilson.com/nowseries.htm
- William A. Davison
Update, Mar. 17, 2007 - Ether review
Nice review of the new Six Heads cassette on Smooth Assailing. Have a read here - http://smoothassailing.blogspot.com/2007/03/six-heads.html
- William A. Davison
Update, Feb. 26, 2007 - Ether
The Recordists are pleased to announce that a new Six Heads recording has just been released! It's a 20-minute cassette called "Ether", now available on the Psychform label. To order a copy or for more info go to http://www.myspace.com/psychform
- William A. Davison
Update, Feb. 12, 2007 - Sen/Son
Arnd Jurgensen and I will be performing as guitar duo Sen/Son at The Art Bar tomorrow evening. And it's kind of a special event since it's the first public appearance of Sen/Son! (although it's not a new project. We've been jamming and recording together sporadically for a few years now). Anyhow, should be fun and the rest of the evening looks good too. Here are the details:
Another evening in the continuing series of bitchin'
sounds at
The Gladstone Hotel Art Bar
1214 Queen Street West
Toronto ON
Tuesday, February 13, 2006
A PWYC event, under the auspices of AIMT.
The music is non-idiomatic free improvisation from three very
different directions, created in the moment, at the moment of
creation, by the performers.
Arnd Jurgensen - guitar
William Davison - guitar
Rob's Collision
Colin Anthony - piano
Dan Goldman - guitar
Cheryl O - cello
Rob Piilonen - flute, compositions
Joe Sorbara - drums, percussion
Mitch Yolevsky - clarinet
Dougal Bichan - violin, bamboo flute
Alan Bloor - bass
Elliott Chapin - flute and other winds
Rod Campbell - trumpet etc
Bryan Dennis - percussion
For more information, CDs, press kits, interviews,etc. email Dougal Bichan -
See you there!
- William A. Davison
Update, Feb. 10, 2007 - COFO at Now Lounge
hmmm...I thought this was happening next weekend...well, apparently Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects (A. Zukerman, J. Shapiro, W. Davison) is performing tomorrow afternoon, 5pm, at the Now Lounge. These things have a nasty habit of sneaking up on me!
The NOW Series
presented by AIMToronto and the NOW Lounge
Sunday, February 11, 2007
2:00 pm - Workshop - john wilson: "Search &
Reflect" Exercises by John Stevens
4:00 pm - Satanist Daycare
nick storring - cello, colin fisher - guitar & saxophone, michael morse
- bass, michaelangelo iaffaldano - various instruments
5:00 pm - Conspiracy of Familiar Objects
andrew zukerman, jon shapiro, william davison
6:00 pm - pst
nilan perera - guitar, joe sorbara - drums, scott thomson - trombone
The NOW Lounge
189 Church St., Toronto, ON
4pm - 7pm
(2pm - 3:30pm creative music workshop 1st, 2nd and 4th sunday of the month)
(2pm - 3:30pm large ensemble workshop 3rd sunday of the month)
workshop free/concert $6
Contact: Ken Aldcroft aldcroft@direct.ca
Info: www.bumpywilson.com
- William A. Davison
Update, Jan. 28, 2007 - more site updates
Did quite a lot of work on hURLy-bURLy over the past couple of days, although it may not look like it right away. Still a lot to do to get it into proper order, I've been neglecting it for quite awhile! One major change you may notice is the disappearance of the music links (!!). I felt that section of the list had outgrown hURLy-bURLy so I moved all the music/sound/noise links over to the Disembraining Songs website. Seems to make sense to me, especially since I know the music links list is going to get a lot bigger. Anyhoo...
- W.A.Davison
Update, Jan. 24, 2007 - site updates
Just a quick note to let you know I've uploaded some recent drawings and some older collage/drawings to the Recordists site (current activities and archive sections) and a new sculpture to my own site (visual art section).
- William A. Davison
Update, Jan. 6, 2007 - OCAD gig
Conspiracy Of Familiar Objects is doing a set at Ontario College of Art and Design this Monday evening. Things start pretty early and we're on first so don't show up late or you'll miss us! Here are the details:
Monday January 8th, 8pm.
@ the OCAD Great Hall (Toronto, 100 McCaul St., second floor)
-Wether (Wilmington, Delaware - http://www.myspace.com/wether)
-Pink Desert (Leigh Valley, Pennsylvania - http://www.myspace.com/pinkdesert)
-Women In Tragedy (Newmarket, Ontario - http://www.myspace.com/womenintragedywomenintragedy)
-Conspiracy of Familiar Objects (Toronto, Ontario)
- William A. Davison
* a note on the title: "The Organ Grinder's Gazette" was the original name of the official printed bulletin of the (now defunct) International Bureau of Recordist Investigation which was published by Emunctory Of Dreams Press and ran for three issues from Jan. 1999 to Feb. 2000. Each issue had a different title - "The Organ Grinder's Gazette", "The G. Grosz Garden Nitrate", and "Tarred Eggs Entering Azoth" - and each variation was an anagram of the original. Since we've decided to resurrect our little bulletin here in the form of this webpage, we also will carry on with our changing name game (using anagrams and other strategies), albeit on an occasional basis, beginning with "The Grazed Noggins Retreat" (anagram, June 2004). "Zero Gang's Three-Tit Danger" was an alternate title (anagram of "The Organ Grinder's Gazette") used in I.B.R.I. Bulletin #2 (April 1999).
Online versions of the original printed bulletins are available on the EOD Press Table of Contents.
The Organ Grinder's Gazette (2006 Message Archive)
The Organ Grinder's Gazette (2005 Message Archive)
The Organ Grinder's Gazette (2004 Message Archive)